Peru, MA 01235

Peru is a small, friendly, rural hilltown in central Berkshire County. More than half of the town is woodlands and much of this is owned by the Commonwealth. The town boasts the Dorothy Frances Rice Wildlife Sanctuary and Garnet Lake, which is the only lake in town and privately owned. The Garnet Mountain Monument was built in memory of 15 soldiers who were killed in a plane crash during World War II on Garnet Mountain. Peru is a community of small owner-operated businesses, zoned agricultural/residential and is a bedroom community for Dalton, Pittsfield, and Springfield.

School Data from

No schools located in Peru, MA.

Great Schools Data

Market Overview

  • 348900,0,299000,0,724900,0,475000,199900,250000,0,764800,0
  • 0,348900,0,299000,225000,499900,0,0,199900,0,349900,414900
  • 0,348900,0,0,0,299000,499900,225000,0,199900,0,0

Information is deemed to be reliable, but is not guaranteed. © 2025

The yellow line represents the dollar value of the new listings entered into the MLS for this area each month.  The blue line shows the dollar volume of listings that were marked as sale pending each month and the red line indicates the dollar volume of sold listings each month for this region.  If you cursor over the line, you will see the exact number.

Residential Median Home Values Peru

  • 348900.00,348900.00,299000.00,299000.00,362450.00,499900.00,475000.00,337450.00,0,0,0,0
  • 0,348900.00,0,0,0,299000.00,499900.00,225000.00,0,199900.00,0,0

Information is deemed to be reliable, but is not guaranteed. © 2025

The yellow line tracks the median home values of each month for the entire market region, while the blue line shows the median value of sold properties for the same region.